
Actually, it is may be old school, but I’m quite romantic, it’s a cliché for a French right …

I would say Pragmatic romantic … In the sense that I never believed we can have only one partner or sex partner for all our life on earth, but also totally convinced that somewhere there is my twin half-soul, that one that the connection is absolutely unique and you cannot escape it, and have to try all to go to the end of this journey.

I never promised to My 2 ex-wives that I will be monogamous with them. But we made a clear statement about sex partners was okay, but not more, or not regular. That worked more or less for decades twice. I had a lot of other sex partners, I brook the rules sometimes by having some regularity, some sleep over nights, some feeling sharing sometimes, but that was all.

Still I had an insatiable appetite or need of sex, daily, that I managed mostly to fulfil.

Tchernobyl arrived in my life! The “me” before totally erased, I become immediately extra jealous, suspicious, poisoning. Totally lost my appetite to any other woman, any …

That revolution, that cannot be seen coming, absolute paralyzed me, shocked all of my structure and concept, I’m trying to see now, what will happens to my me and my road.

This is why this website exist, see where the road drives us …